Saturday, February 21, 2009


Knees feeling better, or at least it did training earlier. I was going pretty hard to, so I definately pushed my knee, so if it didn't pop out then, then i should be alright ;D!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Been a while..

I injured my knee monday going with this big dude who didn't exactly know what he was doing. I should of held back a little bit, but my coach Shark gave me the thumbs up to go hard on him. Probably because he was being a douche to Kevin earlier when we were drilling. So ya I was pwning this guy and at the very end i was holding him in half-guard or something and then my knee popped out of place and i started yelling, most people would stop at that point. But this guy just started pushing harder on me, so while we were rolling, I popped my knee back into place and continued smashing the dude. Well, afterwards shark had me do a bunch of knee strengthening drills and shit. So tuesday I was ridiculously sore in my legs and butt, so to be safe I took tuesday off. I trained at coconut creek wednesday and my knee popped out bad again during drilling. Kind of a shitty time to rest from training since I have a huge grappling tournament next weekend. But whatever.. I'll hit it saturday and hope it feels fine. I was thinking about training in the morning, but I dunno, I should be safe and let this shit rest.

This tournament coming up next weekend is pretty serious. I have my hotel reserved and paid for already, entering blue belt 149, and absolute blue belt. If I win both I get 800$ of prize money and a ticket to Abu Dhabi and an invitation to the world championships in california I believe. So thats pretty sweet ;D. All my training lately has been jiu jitsu and I feel like im getting way better all the time, like if I rolled with myself a year ago, I would totally smash me ^^!!

I gotta start dietting at the start of next week and drop last few pounds in water weight to make my division. I have like 10 or 9lbs to lose or so. I hate losing weight but whatever its part of the game. Its late, im gonna watch some more tv and maybe watch some pro bw matches lol, peace!